H i s t o r y


T h e P r o j e c t

Our vineyard and winery are located in the Valdecontina site, on the north slope of the Boeza River valley as it passes through the town of Albares de la Ribera, in the municipality of Torre del Bierzo, in the province of León. Its origins date back to the 9th century with the settlement of the Monastery of Santa María and San Martín.

Detalle Viña Valdecontina Vinos denominación de origen Bierzo

Valdecontina is located on the former vineyards of Don Antolín Lopez, Archbishop of Tarragona in the early 20th century. There, he planted approximately 4 hectares of vineyards with different varieties and built a tower with two stables around this area. Nowadays, this tower, which offers unique views over our vineyard and the slope of the valley, constitutes the image on which the whole project is developed.

Essence of the project

T h e p r i v a t e l y o w n e d v i n e y a r d a n d t h e s l o p e o f t h e B o e z a R i v e r

Detalle Viña Valdecontina Vinos denominación de origen Bierzo
Detalle Viña Valdecontina Vinos denominación de origen Bierzo
Organic agriculture

A t o t a l e x t e n s i o n o f 2 4 h e c t a r e s

Detalle Viña Valdecontina Vinos denominación de origen Bierzo
Detalle Viña Valdecontina Vinos denominación de origen Bierzo

At present, this initial area has been expanded to reach a total extension of 24 hectares on a property that integrates 20 hectares of vineyards together with a newly constructed winery. The entire vineyard is cultivated following the principles of organic agriculture and under the protection of the Bierzo Designation of Origin.

Detalle Viña Valdecontina Vinos denominación de origen Bierzo

At present, this initial area has been expanded to reach a total extension of 24 hectares on a property that integrates 20 hectares of vineyards together with a newly constructed winery. The entire vineyard is cultivated following the principles of organic agriculture and under the protection of the Bierzo Designation of Origin.